EDLA Pro Bono Panel & Other Volunteer/Pro Bono Opportunities

The New Orleans Chapter of the Federal Bar Association is proud to support the Eastern District’s Civil Pro Bono Counsel Panel. The Eastern District of Louisiana created a Civil Pro Bono Program on July 1, 2014. Given its success, the program was made permanent October 5, 2016.  When the Court has an eligible case requiring civil pro bono counsel, a member of an established Civil Pro Bono Counsel Panel will be appointed to the case. The goal is to furnish pro bono service to eligible litigants who request counsel but lack the financial resources to hire a lawyer. Volunteers will be contacted about available civil pro bono cases but are not obligated nor assigned to specific cases. In Louisiana you can claim up to 3 CLE credits (5 pro bono hours per CLE credit) per year for Pro Bono work completed. To obtain CLE credit complete THIS FORM and email it to mcle@lsba.org.

If you are interested in volunteering for the Civil Pro Bono Counsel Panel, please contact Emmy Schroeter, by e-mail or at 504-589-7587.

To see what pro bono case are currently available the EDLA’s Pro Bono Counsel Panel go to this LINK.

Civil Pro Bono Panel Committee Members

§1983 Litigation Resources:

Title VII Resources:

SOLACE (Support of Lawyers/Legal Personnel)

SOLACE (Support of Lawyers/Legal Personnel - All Concern Encouraged) is coordinated by the Louisiana State Bar Association/Louisiana Bar Foundation's Community Action Committee. The sole purpose of the program is to allow the legal community to reach out in meaningful and compassionate ways to judges, lawyers, court personnel, paralegals, legal secretaries and their families who experience a sudden catastrophic loss.
sign up for Louisiana's SOLACE program or to read more about it go HERE.